Motivated Resumes & LinkedIn Profiles

By Brian E. Howard

Motivated Resumes & LinkedIn Profiles is unlike any resume or LinkedIn profile book ever written! It gives you unprecedented insight and advice from over a dozen of the most credentialed, experienced, and award-winning resume and LinkedIn profile writers in the industry. It contains over 180 pieces of sage advice quoted throughout the book. You will learn how these writers create impactful resumes and LinkedIn profiles that will stand out, get you interviews, and job offers!

Get inside the minds of these writers. Learn how they think about keywords, titling, branding, accomplishments, format, color, design, and a host of other resume writing and LinkedIn profile considerations as they create stunning resumes and winning LinkedIn profiles.

Some say that Motivated Resumes & LinkedIn Profiles reveals too many secrets of the resume writing industry! Become an “insider” and learn the secrets from some of the very best.




ISBN 978-1-60808-183-7 (Paperback)

ISBN 978-1-60808-184-4 (eBook)

Business/Careers/Job Search 8 x 10, 356 pages

Publication date: November 1, 2017

This book is available in paperback and eBook format:

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